Worth Abbey Pilgrims

A warm welcome from Abbot Mark Barrett,  Abbot of Worth Abbey

I want to introduce you to the Worth Abbey Pilgrims and to invite you to join our fellowship group. The Worth Abbey Pilgrims is a friendship and information network centred at Worth, enabling us to stay in touch with what is happening here and to become involved in a range  of activities and events at Worth Abbey throughout the year.

Through the Pilgrims network , we aim to give a warm welcome in the Benedictine tradition of hospitality to all our existing friends and to those who are discovering Worth for the first time, as well as offering opportunities for deepening our Christian faith and travelling together in prayer and service.

For more information, please email pilgrims@worth.org.uk or go to www.worth.org/pilgrims. We look forward to you joining us n the months and years ahead.

All good wishes
Abbot Mark

Sign up to the Worth Abbey Pilgrims Database to be kept updated about all our Events and Activities. We have a full programme of events planned throughout 2024 so add the dates below to your diary.


Our Events Programme 2024


High Weald Walking Festival. Worth Estate, Saturday 7th through to Sunday 15th September.

 A number of accompanied walks through the Worth Estate during the week of 7-15 September, as part of the High Weald Walking Festival . Refreshments available specific dates and timings will be advised nearer the time.


All Souls Mass, The Abby Church , Saturday 2nd November,

Join us at Worth, to commemorate the faithful departed. An opportunity to remember and pray for loved ones who have gone before us.


Advent Carol Service,  The Abbey Church, Sunday 22nd December

Come and celebrate the joy of Advent with the Monks of Worth Abbey. An hour of readings, carols and music in the Church, led by the Abbey Church Choir. An hour of readings, singing and music which will bring alive the true meaning of Advent. Families welcome. Refreshments afterwards


News from our previous events events

Lent Talks

Please visit the Past Events page of our website worthabbeypilgrims.com to watch the latest Lent Talk, delivered by Abbot Mark Barrett on Saturday  16th March, 2024.


If you were unable to attend our recent “Advent Introductions to Benedictine Spirituality”  lectures, or you did attend and would like to hear them again, please find below the recordings of the two talks by Abbot Mark Barrett.

Advent Introductions to Benedictine Spirituality at Worth Abbey, Saturday 25 November and Saturday 2 December 2023.

Saturday 25 November

The Other Side of Silence –  An exploration of the Benedictine tradition of silent, personal prayer. What is it, and what does it mean for my life? An opportunity to deepen our relationship with God in Advent through encountering the age-old monastic practice of prayerful attentiveness.

Saturday 2nd December:

Spiritual Reading and the Path of Prayer – An Advent introduction to the Benedictine practice of Spiritual Reading; a quiet, meditative encounter with the lives and witness of great Christian writers of the Church’s past and present. How can reading the Christian classics deepen our encounter with God?





For more details on our events visit worthabbey.net/pilgrims, or email pilgrims@worth.org.uk  or telephone 01342 710370.

Click here for an introduction to Worth Abbey Pilgrims

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