The more monks have retreated into their monasteries, the more people have wanted to visit them!
St Benedict said that monasteries are never without guests, and that statement is as true today as it was 1,500 years ago. Hospitality is a key mark of Benedictine monasteries.
Beauty seems to draw people to monasteries, and the natural beauty at Worth moves the hearts of both visitors and residents alike. The gardens and views are a source of inspiration for many people.
The monastic community has been keen to offer access to people. In 2000 the garden south of the terrace was opened to the public as part of the Quiet Garden Movement, a national initiative welcoming people into beautiful gardens where they can rest and pray. The monks personally maintain this garden, which contains a life-size icon of the crucified Christ painted by a novice.
We also offer hospitality through individual retreats in our guest wing, and our Open Cloister retreat programme.