St Benedict called his first monasteries “A School of the Lord’s Service”, and the work of education has flowed naturally over many centuries.
Two hundred Benedictine schools currently educate 140,000 boys and girls on five continents. In recent years many monasteries have become increasingly involved in adult education.
Europe has an enduring tradition of schools attached to Benedictine monasteries. At Worth, what began in 1933 as a boarding prep school for boys aged 8-13, is now an independent boarding and day school for around 600 boys and girls aged 11-18.
The School is one of the primary ways in which the monks of Worth offer evangelisation.
The school sets vocation at the centre of its priorities and, through the Chaplaincy, presents the call of Christ as the model for human life.
The Chaplaincy promotes the Benedictine Tradition:
- Lectio divina (sacred reading)
- Liturgical worship
- Community living and service
The School meets regularly for Mass and forms lectio groups within houses.
The Chaplaincy arranges Days of Reflection and pilgrimages to Lourdes, Taizé, and the Camino to Compostella.